Statutory Compliances & filings by experts
Monthly TDS Calculation
No need to work extra for monthly TDS calculation and deductions, BizHRS just need a click of button to do all these calculations for you.
Document Management
Each and every documents of employees are uploaded stage wise in the BizHRS also in ESS every employee can upload IT Proofs which are verified by HR and used for calculation of TDS.Thus a proper trail of documents are maintained at ease.
Statutory Filings
BizHRS provides you with PF, PT and ESIC Return Filing function which is no more a Head ache for Accounts & HR.
TDS Return Filing
Quarterly TDS Return Filing can be done easily through the pre defined statutory formats.
Reconciliation Summaries
The amount of money spent and the amount outstanding with the employee or the company, Month on month salary reconciliation, Head count reconciliations etc. can be easily obtained in our HRMS.
Real-Time Expense Feeds
View all company spending in one place as it happens. See all expenses categorized and tagged and supported with bill attachments.
Process Statutory Dues
Stage 1
Base data gathering & health check
As compliances comes with cost to manage and non compliances are linked to penalties, we start with a one time health check. Further if organisation has implemented BizHRS ERP then data is exported through reports else monthly data is requested from those charged with responsibility.
Stage 2
Confirmation from Management
The data file generated from the system will be shared with management for confirmation. Any adjustments in it like PF hold etc. can be done in the file and saved for further process.
Stage 3
Filling of Returns
Once the data is confirmed and cross verified by a professional, next step is to file monthly return. All the documents that are exchanged, acknowledgements & challans will be archived & backed up for future evidence.
Stage 4
A monthly Dashboard of returns filed, any pending return, summary of return will be provided to client. BizHRS team will also provide the acknowledgement, Challans Copy, Returns copy tobe saved in ERP so that same can be used further.
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We create together, measure always, and revise often, ensuring customers stay at the focus.